
Thursday, January 9, 2014

BB New Year's Challenge: Cons or Events You Plan to Attend

Make sure to swing by Parajunkee to see what our other participants are saying their plans are.

Well now, this is my fourth year of book blogging (will be the first year on this blog in June) and my fourth year of attending BEA. I have better plans for this year. Last year I had good plans and I was able to stick to most of them and get things accomplished the way I needed to. I met many of the authors I wanted, picked up the books I wanted not just the ones everyone said were awesome must have(which generally tend to be YA). I made contacts that I was extremely proud of and I'm working on building those.  My goal this year is to make BEA an even better experience.

There are two other conventions I will be looking into attending. One is Authors After Dark; which I have been stalking for the past three years, I just never get my act together in time to plan going; not with family vacations and such always planned way ahead before I find out the dates; this year however, it's looking like I might have space on the calendar.

My real wish is to attend RT Book Convention, which is 10 days before BEA this year. 10 days, who made this decision?? WHYYYY???!!?!?!?! And, it's going to be in New Orleans; my all time favorite city.  WHYYYYYY??? Don't y'all love me?? How am I going to swing these both?? I MUST go to them ALL!!! (yep first world bookish problems).

Those are my plans for now. What are yours?? I definitely and going to BEA, the other two?? Who knows?? What are your plans?? Share down below.
Happy Reading

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