
Monday, January 7, 2019

2019 Blogging Wishlist

2019 Blogging Wishlist:

Well if wishes were horse poor men would ride. I'm sorry I've been dying to use that.  It's something my Grandmere' used to say when we would say I wish instead of saying as something we were working towards.  With that in mind here are a few of the concrete items I have on the books for 2019 for the blog.

Behind the Scenes:
  1. Put up a banner for the Bewitching Bibliophile and my Aisha Oaktree Facebook profiles.  
  2. Update the blog pages for 2019
  3. Update Sidebar with the newest information for the blog
  4. Add Instagram back to my Facebook profile
  5. Link Twitter to Instagram
  6. Update Branding for blog
  7. Update the blog 
  8. Clean out the blog email to make it easier to see information from publishers
  9. Work on incorporating Pinterest more, because I absolutely love that app.  
  10. Be more consistent in posting 2-3 times a week 12 posts per month

    1. Sharing more opinion posts, not just reviews
    2. Participating in more readathons and blog parties so I can recreate my blogging network
    3. Comment, Comment, Comment on a few of my favorite blogger's pages, sharing the love because I know sometimes it can feel like we're shouting into the void, I want them to know we not only read but are interested in interacting with them.
    4. READ MORE.  No need to explain this one right??
    5. Host a few more giveaways, on the blog, on Instagram, and on facebook
    If we're being fanciful and just sharing our absolute wishes?? Then I would really love to completely overhaul the blog design, but I'm not sure what I would like to change it to.  I love the look I have but there are a few features I would love to add on.  

    I would also love for you guys to interact more so we can reconnect. But this isn't just a wish this is what I'm working towards. With the schedule with sharing my thoughts beyond just books.

    Let me know what's on your blog wishlist. Share int he comments what you think of my list and I'll see you tomorrow.

    As always happy reading my loves

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