Tuesday, July 15, 2014

#Review: Shattered (Academy Series Book 2)

Book Title: Shattered (The Academy Series Bk 2)
Author: Aubrey Coletti |Website| Twitter| Facebook|
Publisher: Escape Artist Press
Genre: Young Adult
Series/Standalone: Series
Format: paperback, ebook
Cost: $10.00
Pages: 333
How I got it: Author
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Publisher
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V=School’s in session at J. Alter Academy, and for Toni, Joseph, Ann, Charlie, and their boarder friends, that means they are still at the mercy of its draconian ways. While suffering the harsh consequences of their attempted escape, the seven teens must also contend with the formidable Headmistress and her taste for human experimentation — with the boarders as her favorite subjects. The seven friends play a delicate, dangerous game as they seek to discover the secrets behind their school and their own unique abilities. Yet as they move closer to uncovering the truth, will one of them be forced to pay the ultimate price?
Wel shyt..Aubrey goddamnit.  Who is the villian in this one?? Neither of them are doing good here. We can see the clear victims and we know who caused the issues, but the original victims have gone full on rogue and it's not clear who is being worse than the other.  

I spent all day yesterday with this book. It flew by because I ad gotted used to Aubrey's writing style I was engulfed es[ecially from the prologue. Can I drop kick her?? Why is this even remotely ok??  I wonder if the illustrious headmistress realizes she would fit right in with some of histories favorite as*holes??

I love that this book brings up the quandries about ex;perimenting and let's just point out that it;s not wealthy and affluent  kids that are being experimented on, no it's the "dreggs" the poor kids, troubled kids.  This has some historical connotations and it me hella uncomfortable ( Tuskegee Experiment, the "schools" for Native Americans, the jails in LA, California that just got in trouble for sterilizing inmates?) I'm looking forward to the next one. 

Oh good poor Tina, and oh gosh Ann's back stories are just goddamnit, I hate everybody!! I'm not sure hhow I world survive in this place, I just know somebody gotta die and it ain't going to be me (say that in a Kevin Hart voice)

That ending though?? When is the next one?? 'Cause I need to know what happens next??  So yeah go get it it's good!!

Happy Reading

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