Author: Lora Leigh |Website| Twitter| Facebook|
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Genre: Sci-Fi Romance, Paranormal
Series/Standalone: Series Book 2
Format: Trade paperback
Genre: Sci-Fi Romance, Paranormal
Series/Standalone: Series Book 2
Format: Trade paperback
Cost: $5.99
Pages: 236
How I got it: Amazon marketplace
Purchase: Out Of Print Amazon |
Publication Date: October 2004
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Publication Date: October 2004
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He had protected her as a child, filled all her teenaged fantasies, and as a woman, he stole her heart. Only to break it. Now, fifteen months later, the news has released. The man she loves is one of the genetically altered Feline Breeds who have shocked the world with their presence. He's also her mate. The mark on her neck attests to that. The fire that rages in her heart and in her body further proves it. But he hadn't wanted her then; does he really want her now? Deceit and treachery, born in the past, now haunt the present as Taber and Roni fight to make sense of a sudden bonding. The mating of heart, body and soul as the man and the beast within merge; both battling the forces raging against the union and dominance over the woman he claimed.
The second book in the series, launches from the aspect of the little girl who was lost in the first book. A small minor detail in that one gives us the rich story we have here. As the child rescued in book one, Roni has always relied on Taber after her rescue, her mother loved the wrong man and her stepfather is just terrible. Taber has been her one spot of goodness in her life because of that.
Here we get more from the main pride and the town they've inhabited for decades. Once news breaks it changes everything. Roni's had to learn to stand on her on two feet especially after hat she saw as Taber's betrayal. It's funny to read and see the moments that they are so clueless especially because I've read ahead and now at each moment where they made the changes but they don't know yet??!! Lots of fun to read.
This is a story based on the miscommunication trope. The miscommunication was used in a way that laid the groundwork for more information to come out as they learned it; and even though the betrayal as deep the way they worked around it was awesome. The world continues to unfold and we learn more about what makes a mate as well as how the pride is dealing with the public fall out of being made famous now.
By going public Callan not only made them targets for the larger population of haters, but he brought the secret war out in front of the world. Now it's harder for their enemies to make them disappear, but now they have gained even more enemies than before. I'm loving how it's all unfolding and I can't wait to see more from the Pride.
The books are still very erotic and ohhh mama when they get together with their mates, hot damn. The blending of the sci-fi and the erotica is done pretty well even though in these earlier books the erotica reins more than the overall story being told.
Still Highly recommend. And of course I will be continuing the series.
Here we get more from the main pride and the town they've inhabited for decades. Once news breaks it changes everything. Roni's had to learn to stand on her on two feet especially after hat she saw as Taber's betrayal. It's funny to read and see the moments that they are so clueless especially because I've read ahead and now at each moment where they made the changes but they don't know yet??!! Lots of fun to read.
This is a story based on the miscommunication trope. The miscommunication was used in a way that laid the groundwork for more information to come out as they learned it; and even though the betrayal as deep the way they worked around it was awesome. The world continues to unfold and we learn more about what makes a mate as well as how the pride is dealing with the public fall out of being made famous now.
By going public Callan not only made them targets for the larger population of haters, but he brought the secret war out in front of the world. Now it's harder for their enemies to make them disappear, but now they have gained even more enemies than before. I'm loving how it's all unfolding and I can't wait to see more from the Pride.
The books are still very erotic and ohhh mama when they get together with their mates, hot damn. The blending of the sci-fi and the erotica is done pretty well even though in these earlier books the erotica reins more than the overall story being told.
Still Highly recommend. And of course I will be continuing the series.
Happy Reading my loves, See you tomorrow
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