Monday, December 22, 2014

Book #Review: Christmas In The Billionaire's Bed (Kavanaghs of Silver Glen 3) .@JaniceMaynard .@HarlequinBooks

Book Title: Christmas In The Billionaire's Bed
Author:  Janice Maynard |WebsiteTwitterFacebook|
Publisher: Harlequin
Genre: Christmas Roamance
Series/Standalone: Series
Format: ebook, Mass Market paperback
Cost: $5.25
Pages: 192
How I got it: NetGalley
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Publisher
Publication Date: December 2, 2014
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Whatever possessed Emma Braithwaite to move to Silver Glen? She had no illusions that being in Aidan Kavanagh's hometown would reignite the love they'd shared in England years ago. But now that Aidan's returned for his brother's Christmas wedding, it's clear Emma's explosive attraction to the billionaire has lost none of its power. She is the cool English beauty whose betrayal once shattered his heart. So Aidan's not looking for reconciliation—all he wants is Emma in his bed! Needless to say, Emma has other ideas: she's not settling for anything less than commitment this time…
I've loved Harlequin for many years, I'm a huge Yule junkie and I absolutely love Christmas/Yule Romances, so when I got the chance to read Janice's book, I was on it like tinsel on a Christmas tree.

Janice always manages to make her character relateable, they make you love them, fall for them, lust after them and of course want to kick their butts into gear when they act out.

I love happy endings, but Christmas happy endings are always better, I love when Christmas magic works to help bring our protagonists together.

These two are former first loves torn apart by youth and family and are brought back together when their friends get together and get married over the holidays.  Even though they are no longer together, Emma has moved and created a home for herself in her former love's hometown, of Silver Glen, the former English lady, has created a thriving business and finds happiness by being apart of the community even if the piece of her heart is no longer with her.  I loved that she was willing to become more and move on from the past somewhat even though he wasn't there.  Aiden doesn't come home much if he can help it, each time he comes home something else bad happens.  Faced with a looming wedding Aiden is shocked to see the woman who broke his heart  and made him doubt love is friends with his family.

Even though he can't trust her, he is still attracted to her, and decides to use her as a distraction from the past.  They get together and have some seriously steamy moments.  Even a few that make you feel for them and understand where they are coming from, why they feel the way they feel.  They both have secrets and reasons and when it all comes out and boy the emotions.  I loved it and man it totally helped to pull me out of my reading slump.  I loved it.  A good christmas story.

It's apparently a part of a series, it doesn't read like a book in a series, You only get glimpses of the other characters, but this story really focuses on Emma and Aiden and their story.  So you don't have to read in chronological order to get the story.  I do however want to look into the other books to see how those stories unfold.
Happy Reading

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

#Review: The Stag Lord

Book Title: The Stag Lord
Publisher: Spence City ( Spencer Hill Press)
Genre: New Adult Urban Fantasy
Series/Standalone: Series Book 1
Format: ebook, physical 
How I got it: Blog Tour Company
Publication Date: Dec 2014

On the run across America from a vengeful shape-shifter, Bannerman “Bann” Boru has only one thing on his mind: keeping himself and his young son, Cor, alive. At any cost. Until he meets Shay Doyle, healer and member of a secret group of immortal Celtic warriors, the Tuatha De Danaan, living in modern-day Colorado. When Cor is injured, Bannerman is forced to accept her help. He quickly realizes that the golden-haired Healer is shield-maiden tough and can hold her own on the field of battle with the big boys. And Shay soon discovers that there is more to Bann than meets the eye. Now, with the shape-shifter Cernunnos teaming up with the local pack of Fir Bolgs (Goth wannabes with a nasty taste for children), Bannerman, Shay, her wolf-dog, Max, and the rest of the Doyle clan must figure out how to battle one insane god

I've been in a reading slump for ages. I haven't been enjoying reading since late august, but then this book came on my radar and I jumped at the chance to review it. And boy am I glad I did. I laughed when reading this book, teared up a bit, got mad on the character's behalf, felt all the feels and even fell in love.

I totally loved reading this book, I loved Bann and his wittiness, his sharp tongue and how much he loved his son. He was willing to do anything to make sure his son survived and had a happy life and i loved him more for it.  An old world Knight of the Fey, he spent his life living by the code he'd been raised by and he was devastated when push came to shove the ones who should have had his back bailed and left him and his son out in the cold.

I personally loved Shay the Healer who is also a Knight of the Fey.  I absolutely loved her devotion to her craft, her people. and her family.  Her family's devotion to her was wonderful to read and it just made me so happy to see a  healthy family dynamic being portrayed in the story.  Shay is stubborn, witty, fun and just the kinda healer I would love to have taking care of me.  She pushed Bann's buttons when she needed to and totally cared for Cor from the second she met him.  She totally made their lives more fun while being the one connection to 'humanity'.

Even though as a Celtic Pagan I should totally be offended of the portrayal of one of the Old Gods, I wasn't, I absolutely loved the lore, the presence of the other Celtic stories and the coming alive of the legends. It totally made me love the myths even more. And actually made me want to back and read even more of the ones I haven't yet.

This story was full of adventure, love, lore, sarcastic and witty characters and just great fun.  It also had it's villains, the idiots and quite a few WTF moments. I loved it.  And of course that ending??!!! Totally threw me for a loop. I can't wait to read more of her writing. It was extremely engaging and just what I needed to kick my slump.

Available for Pre-order:
Go to Goodreads and add it to your reading list!

Go get you a copy and enjoy!!
Happy Reading

Monday, December 1, 2014

Book #Review: Naughty and Nice ( A Christmas Anthology)

Book Title: Naughty and Nice (Three Holiday Treats)
Author: Ruthie Knox, Molly O'Keefe, Stefanie Sloane
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Genre: Erotic Romance
Series/Standalone: Standalone
Format: ebook
Pages: 233
How I got it: Pubisher via NetGalley
Publication Date: November 2012
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’Tis the season for romance with three original holiday-themed novellas! Unwrap this festive eBook bundle and discover why these authors are quickly becoming the biggest names in the genre. Ruthie Knox tells a heartwarming contemporary story of first loves given the gift of a second chance; Molly O’Keefe releases the ghosts of Christmas past with a prequel to her novel Crazy Thing Called Love; and Stefanie Sloane weaves an irresistible Regency tale of fiery passion that burns deep on a cold winter’s night. ROOM AT THE INN by Ruthie Knox Carson Vance couldn’t wait to get out of Potter Falls, but now that he’s back to spend Christmas with his ailing father, he must face all the people he left behind . . . like Julie Long, whose heart he broke once upon a time. Now the proprietor of the local inn, Julie is a successful, seductive, independent woman—everything that Carson’s looking for. But despite several steamy encounters under the mistletoe, Julie refuses to believe in happily ever after. Now Carson must prove to Julie that he’s back for good—and that he wants her in his life for all the holidays to come. ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU by Molly O’Keefe Maddy Baumgarten and Billy Wilkins are spontaneous, in love, and prepared to elope the day after Christmas—that is, if Maddy’s family doesn’t throw a wrench in their plans. After all, Maddy’s barely out of high school and Billy’s a notorious bad boy. Maddy doesn’t care about Billy’s rough past—all she cares about is living in the here and now. But after Maddy’s mother stops speaking to her in protest, and a Christmas Eve heart-to-heart with her father leaves her with butterflies, Maddy starts to get cold feet. She loves Billy, but is she taking this big step too soon? ONE PERFECT CHRISTMAS by Stephanie Sloane After being jilted by her fiancĂ©, Jane Merriweather turns to her dear childhood friend, the Honorable Lucas Cavanaugh, for support—and unlocks the smoldering desire simmering in the man’s troubled heart. Frightened by his newfound feelings, Lucas flees to Scotland. But when the Christmas season brings them together again, one glance is all that’s needed to reignite his yearning. If Lucas can convince Jane that his intentions are as pure as the falling snow, they’ll turn a dreary December into a joyous Yuletide affair.
I gave the book an overall 3 stars.  Cute stories, great for Christmas. I liked it, especially Molly's story.  Really enjoying this so far. The stories were quick and

Story 1 Room At The Inn ( A Contemporary) 3 Stars
Julie moved to town even though her relationship with Carson had imploded, she created a profitable life for herself there. She waits for Carson who is the love of her life to wake up and realize his life is with her. Carson is on effing idiot, yep and Julie should have moved on.  How would have that felt for 16 years??? To wait, to be lonely, to know that he is out there loving someone else?? Hell no. I would not have given this man 16 years of my life.  I would have moved on. He kept coming back home and using her, then would leave with another piece of her heart. Great grand gesture but too little too late Sir.  Julie is way too forgiving he was reckless with your heart way too much. Way too often.   It's a good Christmas story about forgiveness and the miracle of love. However I'm too much of a pessimistic to ever wait that long for one person to realize you are worth so much more than he thought.

Story 2: All I Want For Christmas is You (A Contemporary) 3 1/2 Stars
Cute I wish she'd done an epilogue letting us know what happens to them.  Hopefully they have made it.  I'm rooting for them even if her mama isn't.  After this was posted I realized that this was actually the beginning of a story.  I'm going to check them out in the next one.

Story 3 One Perfect Christmas (Historical)  3 Stars
Why she gotta be horsefaced though?? Clearly she had something he wanted because he dropped the "pretty girl" for horseface.  This was however the most Christmas like of all the stories and it was my introduction to the authors work.  Cute story even if it's physically impossible to do what she does in the end.  No really try it.  Still cute though.

I really enjoyed the stories presented, it's why I love anthologies, you get a few good stories and get a chance to be introduced to new authors without having to do too much to get it.  Christmas stories always put me in the mood as well for Yule and I'm totally pumped I got to read this one.
Happy Christmas/ Yule and Happy Reading

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Book #Review: Keep Me Safe (Slow Burn 1) by Maya Banks

Book Title: Keep Me Safe (Slow Burn 1)
Author:  Maya Banks |WebsiteTwitter| Facebook|
Publisher: Avon Trade
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Series/Standalone: Series Book 1
Format: Trade Paperback
Cost: $14.99
Pages: 302
How I got it: Publisher
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Author Links
Publication Date:  October 7, 2014
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A sizzling story of a woman who risks her life and her heart to find a wealthy man’s missing sister — the first novel in a sexy new romantic suspense series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Maya Banks.

When Caleb Devereaux's younger sister is kidnapped, this scion of a powerful and wealthy family turns to an unlikely source for help: a beautiful and sensitive woman with a gift for finding answers others cannot.

While Ramie can connect to victims and locate them by feeling their pain, her ability comes with a price. Every time she uses it, it costs her a piece of herself. Helping the infuriatingly attractive and impatient Caleb successfully find his sister nearly destroys her. Even though his sexual intensity draws her like a magnet, she needs to get as far away from him as she can.

Deeply remorseful for the pain he’s caused, Caleb is determined to make things right. But just when he thinks Ramie's vanished forever, she reappears. She’s in trouble and she needs his help. Now, Caleb will risk everything to protect her — including his heart....
When I got the email about this book I totally freaked. I have been a huge Maya Banks fan for years. When I got the book in the mail??!! I fell in love, the cover is amazing I loved it and of course the story sounds intriguing.  When I got this it as listed a romantic suspense without letting me know there is a hint of paranormal/ psychic mystery involved and when I read that I was even more hooked. 

As I was reading I kept looking at the few pages left and started freaking out. Like OMiGawd nooo I can't wait for the second book to come out *which is in January 2015* to know what happens.  I do want to know more about the brothers, Eliza & Dean, I could really love more from them.

The story was action packed and moved quickly.  From the beginning we knew once Caleb found her he unleashed something he had no idea was out there.  The story resolved well but man I was wondering how long each person will take to know what was happening.  The thing that bugged me was why no one else asked who the heck was filming.  Simple question right??

There are a few loose ends but I figure the next two books will answer those questions.  And I can't wait to see what happens then.  I do give trigger warnings for those who need it.  I do wish the side characters were more developed and fleshed out, as I'm sure they are going to be integral to the other stories.  Even though I loved the story it felt like for a while the main characters weren't completely fleshed out.  Things were stated like we knew the characters from other books but since this is a new series that's not possible. 

I loved the action and the twists and turns Maya took us on and I can't wait to read the others in the series. This flew by and I enjoyed everything. I don't want to give too detailed a review because anything can be a spoiler, but just know the characters were wonderful, I loved Ramie, she was hurt and hiding from the world and what her powers could do, but she couldn't leave someone else in the kind of hell that she had known. Caleb at first was ruthless simply because he couldn't believe that someone who had her talents would seclude themselves when people needed her. As they grew and learnt more from each other and about each other Caleb began to understand the cost of Ramie's "gift". 
It's a fantastic fast paced read and I highly recommend it my loves and of course, 
Happy Reading

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Vlog Post: Bookoutlet Black Friday Book Haul Day 15

Hi my loves, it's another day in the vlogs list. I thought I would share all the books I purchased in the big book sale on  Books I purchased this go around:

I got 11 books for under $33.  Which is pretty awesome. I can't wait to get a few more,  I'm using up my birthday money.  What'd you get this week?? Anything fun?? Share in the comments down below. Thanks again for stopping by.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Where Have I been?? What's going on??

Well I kinda quit without notice didn't I??  Believe me it wasn't intentional, I kept saying I would come back and write a post, but the words wouldn't come and the longer it went the worse it got. My sister is in her final year of college and had to take a step back because well crunch time, she's got a job, internship and school, books have taken a backseat.  She hasn't read anymore books since August.

After the summer I felt burnt out. Seriously I haven't even been on my computer since August. Yes I said August,  I avoided email, i forgot about Netgalley and goodreads and I stayed far away from my feeds. I was burnt out. I was so done with books, book reviews, book tours, unsuccessful giveaways and just feeling really blue that a personal (unrelated to blogging) goal was once again unaccomplished.   I needed a mental health break.

So I stopped reading, and i focused on my life, I tried vlogging everyday in august, then in october and now I'm trying to do Vlogidays, But really I was unmotivated, I didn't see my books as fun stories I wanted to enjoy but as obligations I needed to accomplish and I felt burdened.

So I changed around my room, I changed my work schedule, my thoughts about books and my goals.  I began to refocus on my hobbies again, bringing back my love of the craft and crafting as a way to find myself back in the grove. I gave up my book buying ban because it really felt like I was suffocating; part of the joy I gain in being a book lover is the hunt for good books, the journey of finding a new author to fall in love with.

Part of the reason I was struggling was the desire to read more diversely and discovering that my genres are very monotone.  How many new adult authors of color do you know?? Please for the love of the Goddess share down below with me because I'm desperate.  Looking at my bookshelves and realizing I have less than a dozen authors of  colors works was very depressing.  I love romance, but five or six authors is pretty effing abysmal.  I wasn't prepared for the serious lack of representation and it only depressed me more to realize how truly sad my shelves looked.  At the same time I felt guilty, I'm asking for more authors of color but I wasn't reading the authors that are being published because they aren't in my genre and I really hate swerving from my lane. I don't read christian fiction, I'm not a church goerer so I dislike stories with church as a big part in it, religion doesn't bother me in books unless it becomes like a huge battering ram they keep shoving at you, and unfortunately a lot of the romance for black women has church and religion as part of the huge focus. We aren't all christians you know.

It's taken years to find my niche and to have to leave it to find authors of color was annoying, sad and even more depressing when I realized there were fewer than half a dozen who wrote anything I would be interested in. Even worse was reading some of their works and realizing I oculdn't deal with the religion aspect.   I found myself dreading reading and feeling guilty because I wasn't reading diversely.  Anyone can tell when you feel obligated and resentful towards something you aren't going to enjoy it so, I decided that a break was in order.  For me not to lose my love of books and the written word, I needed a step back.

I have journeyed back to reading but I have now really clearly defined for myself what I will be reading and for the most part it hasn't changed and it other ways it has.  I'm going to finish out the year, finish reading the books I have and the ones I'm required to read.  Mostly I'm going to stay within my narrowly defined genres.  But I'm also branching out. I'm not a huge young adult reader, but I will read certain books like the ones by Mallory Blackman, those I won't necessarily review, but I'm going back to my personal loves, erotica, paranornal, but mostly romance.  I'm checking out authors I have never read before and I'm doing my best to expand, but I'm staying in my lane, no more reading to please others and show them how well versed I am based on the NYTimes list of books everyone should read,I'm reading what brings me joy, makes me happy and gives me a thrill.  I'm reading diversly, but it's going to be books and genres and things I care about.

One of the things I let slip was my love of non fiction books written about and by authors of color.  I loved reading books about religion and it's place in peoples lives, I loved reading about the immigrant struggles and expereiences, i loved reading about other religions, about health and medicine, about history and midwifery. About herbs, and naturpathic medicine, about living, being and eating clean green and healthy.  Green archetucutre, whole living, being pagan, Buddhist and being an empath.  All of these I have left behind in the cycle of reading the latest and greatest books coming out ( hey if it works for others cool, but it clearly wasn't working for me anymore).  This desire to keep up with the joneses and be reading and reviewing all the newest books, it was a struggle and made reading not fun anymore, so now i'm stepping back and I'm doing what makes me happy.

 For the authors out there, I'm sorry but I won't be accepting anymore review requests, I have a huge pile to clean up first, then maybe by march I can look to other books.  Thanks for considering me though.

Please know that from now on the books reviewed are going to be books I genui ely love and wanted to read, not just the ones I thought you wanted to hear about.  I have a lot of books I promised to read, so those will be up on goodreads and amazon, but fortunely for me even in my craziest requesting blitzes I stayed within my genres and I have a few I'm dying to get into.  I can't wait to share them with you.

If that seems like something you would love to see, stick around, I have a bunch of books to share with you, maybe even a few giveaways. If not, then thanks for stopping by and have a great life.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Book #Review: Rowdy ( A Marked Men Novel # 5) by Jay Crownover .@JayCrownover .@WmMorrowBks

Book Title: Rowdy ( A Marked Men Novel #5)
Author:  Jay Crownover |WebsiteTwitterFacebook|
Publisher: William Morrow
Genre: New Adult Romance
Series/Standalone:  Series Book 5
Format: Trade paperback
Cost: $13.99
Pages: 400
How I got it: Purchased
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks
Publication Date: October 21st, 2014
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The New York Times and USA Today bestselling Marked Men series continues with this sizzling, sexy story of love, heartbreak, fate, and second chances. After the only girl he ever loved told him that he would never be enough, Rowdy St. James knocked the Texas dust off his boots and set out to live up to his nickname. A good ol’ boy looking for good times and good friends, Rowdy refuses to take anything too seriously, especially when it comes to the opposite sex. Burned by love once, he isn’t going to let himself trust a woman again. But that’s before his new co-worker arrives, a ghost from the past who’s suddenly making him question every lesson he ever learned. Salem Cruz grew up in house with too many rules and too little fun—a world of unhappiness she couldn’t wait to forget. But one nice thing from childhood has stayed with her; the memory of the sweet, blue-eyed boy next door who’d been head over heels in love with her little sister. Now, fate and an old friend have brought her and Rowdy together, and Salem is determined to show him that once upon a time he picked the wrong sister. A mission that is working perfectly—until the one person that ties them together appears, threatening to tear them apart for good.
This is the story of Rowdy and Salem, she's the sister of the woman who let Rowdy down horribly and sent him on the run.  Back when they were kids, Salem tried to be the good girl her family required she be and just couldn't quite pull it off, she loved the boy next door but he loved her sister and when it came time for her to grow up, she runs away and leaves Rowdy and her sister in the dust. Salem came back into Rowdy's life after Nash's dad pulls a stunt and tells Cora to hire her for the new downtown shop, this was his last gift to the two people he loved.  His intervention helps the story to unfold and I loved that this was his last act for them.

Rowdy is hanging onto the past and refuses to see that just because one woman hurt you doesn't mean you can't fall in love again, I loved the conversations he has with the men and how they school him on his stupidity.
“You're a dumb shit. There's a million first girls for a million different first things.There's the first girl you slow-dance with, and the first girl you go to bed with. There's the first girl to give you a kiss, and then the first one you take home to mama." His amber eyes lit up with humor.
"There's the first girl you fight with and the first girl you fight for. There's also the first girl you have to let go of. There's the first girl you love, obviously, and the first girl to break your heart.There's always a first girl, Rowdy, but there is also the girl that is going to come after her until you get to the last girl.  The last girl is the one that really matters.” 
Salem has her own hangups, her parents where strict and he dad was a bit of a jacka** when it came to his beliefs and their mother wasn't one to stand up to him.  Salem had to learn to not let the past be the reason she moved on so quickly and yet it helped to shape her into a pretty kicka** young woman who does what she wants and has embraced a lifestyle that makes her happy.  While she has always missed Rowdy and was ready to win him, she wasn't completely lonely, she wanted love but she wasn't unhappy with her life (which I absolutely loved).  I loved that even though they had different life paths, they ended up at the same place and had fallen in love with tattooing an it's 'alternative' lifestyle.    Salem has a habit of cutting and running when things don't work out for her and when she relocated here, Rowdy doesn't expect her to stay long and so he isn't willing to let her in because he's afraid she'll abandon him like before.

I did feel at times, like Salem just took it too hard, so what if they were strict, hating on religion shouldn't be answer. However I totally got her reasoning, I just wish she didn't relate it so often. Rowdy had a few moments that made me want to push him in front of a bus like Sir stop being such a punk and man up!!  I did love the meandering road that leads them back to each other and that they have to learn to forgive each other and their parts in their pasts.  I loved that this one took a little longer to get there, as Salem and Rowdy had to meet each other as they were now, and not who they used to be.  They also had to confront the past in the form of Salem's sister when she comes to visit of course throwing a wrench in the blooming relationship of Salem and Rowdy.

I loved how the relationship blooms despite both of their shields being up in some regards.  I of course really loved meeting the other characters, and seeing some of my favorite coming back, Cora of course is always there making life awesome.  I loved that the shop was doing so well and seeing the foundation being laid for the new series coming up.  I can't wait to meet those new tattoo artist and see their lives unfold.

I loved when Rowdy finally gets it:
I always thought it was the firsts that matter, but now I know that it’s the lasts that stay with you.”
& I loved the final few chapters, when Rowdy asks Salem to meet his mama, and even when Salem confronts her past before returning to Rowdy. I just loved those moments, as they allowed both characters to open up and allow the past to go back where it belonged.
I can't wait to see how Jay redeems Asa, which comes out in 2015 (oh gawd that's so damn far away). Have you started the journey with the marked Men??  If not I suggest you do!!
Happy Reading

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Waiting On Wednesday: October Edition (1)

Hosted by: Jill over at Breaking The Spines.  This is a weekly book lust prompt, asking for us to share our absolute can't wait to get our hands on a copy books. Swing on over to find out how to participate and to see what others are sharing.  This is by no means an exhaustive list of the books coming out thismonth, but these are the ones I have 1) pre-ordered b) can't wait to read~~~

Young Adult

Talon (Talon 1) Julie Kagawa (Receieved at BEA 2014, pre-ordered a physical copy anyway)

Long ago, dragons were hunted to near extinction by the Order of St. George, a legendary society of dragon slayers. Hiding in human form and growing their numbers in secret, the dragons of Talon have become strong and cunning, and they're positioned to take over the world with humans none the wiser. Ember and Dante Hill are the only sister and brother known to dragonkind. Trained to infiltrate society, Ember wants to live the teen experience and enjoy a summer of freedom before taking her destined place in Talon. But destiny is a matter of perspective, and a rogue dragon will soon challenge everything Ember has been taught. As Ember struggles to accept her future, she and her brother are hunted by the Order of St. George. Soldier Garret Xavier Sebastian has a mission to seek and destroy all dragons, and Talon's newest recruits in particular. But he cannot kill unless he is certain he has found his prey: and nothing is certain about Ember Hill. Faced with Ember's bravery, confidence and all-too-human desires, Garret begins to question everything that the Order has ingrained in him: and what he might be willing to give up to find the truth about dragons
Due Date: Oct 26,2014
Print: Hardcover
Pages: 400
Publisher: Harlequin Teen

Sublime Christina Lauren
True love may mean certain death in a ghostly affair of risk and passion from New York Times bestselling duo Christina Lauren, authors of Beautiful Bastard. Tahereh Mafi, New York Times bestselling author of Shatter Me calls Sublime “a beautiful, haunting read". When Lucy walks out of a frozen forest, wearing only a silk dress and sandals, she isn’t sure how she got there. But when she sees Colin, she knows for sure that she’s here for him. Colin has never been captivated by a girl the way he is by Lucy. With each passing day their lives intertwine, and even as Lucy begins to remember more of her life—and her death—neither of them is willing to give up what they have, no matter how impossible it is. And when Colin finds a way to physically be with Lucy, taking himself to the brink of death where his reality an
Due Date: October 14, 2014
Print: Hardcover
Pages: 336
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
New Adult

Rowdy (Marked Men 5) Jay Crownover (already pre-ordered this baby!!)

After the only girl he ever loved told him he would never be enough, Rowdy St. James knocked the Texas dust off his boots and decided he was going to do everything in his power to live up to his nickname. Life was all about a good time, good friends and never taking much too seriously. Rowdy learned his lesson early on, when you care that much about anything it can destroy you, and he never wants to risk feeling like that again. Only now he has a new coworker, a ghost from the past who’s making him question every lesson he ever learned. Salem Cruz grew up in a house with too many rules, too many regulations, and no fun allowed. That never worked for her so she left it all behind as soon as she could, but she never forgot the sweet, blue-eyed boy next door who’d been in love with her little sister. Fate and good intentions from an old friend have placed her right in Rowdy’s path and she’s determined to show him he picked the wrong sister all those years ago. A mission that is going along perfectly until the one person that ties them together shows up and could very well tear them back
Due Date: Oct 21, 2014
Print: Trade Paperback
Publisher: William Murrow Paperback

These are the first few I'm looking forward to. I promise as the month goes along I'm going to find more to lust over!! How about you, find any you need to have in your hands??  Share down in the comments below and let's fawn over them together.

Happy Lusting

Thursday, September 4, 2014

#Review: Taking It All ( Surrender Trilogy Book 3) .@maya_banks

Book Title: Taking It All ( Surrender Trilogy 3)
Author:  Maya Banks |Website| Twitter| Facebook|
Publisher: Penguin
Genre: Comtemporary Romance/BDSM Erotica
Series/Standalone: Series Finale
Format: ebook, Trade Paperback
Cost: $16.00
Pages: 320
How I got it: Publisher
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books A Million
Publication Date: August 5th, 2014
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Chessy and Tate have been married for several years. In the beginning, their relationship was everything she wanted. Passionate. All consuming. She offered her submission freely and Tate cherished her gift with a tenderness that made her feel safe. Content. Wanted. And loved beyond all measure. But as the years have gone by, Tate has become more immersed in making his business the success it has become, and Chessy has taken a back seat to his business obligations. Growing unhappier with the status of their once blissful marriage, Chessy knows that something has to give. Or they stand to lose it all Tate loves his wife. Has always loved her. Providing for her has always been his number one priority. But lately she’s seemed unhappy, and he’s worried. Worried enough that he arranges for a night together that he hopes will reignite the fire that once burned like an inferno between them. But a business call at the wrong time threatens everything. Chessy’s safety, his concentration, his wife’s faith in him as her husband, a man sworn to love and protect her above all else. Gutted with the realization that he’s going to lose her—has already lost her—he readies for the fight of his life. Whatever it takes, he’ll get her back. And prove to her that nothing is more important than her love. And that if she’ll allow him to prove himself one more time, he’ll take it all. Everything. But he’ll give far more back. Himself. His undying love.
Overall in this story I had a blast. I'm not going to lie, I stopped reading in the middle of book two because I really wanted to know Chessy's story.  For me this was a highly anticipated sequel and I just couldn't wait much longer before tearing into it and I wasn't disappointed.  This story jerked at my heart, demanded I pay attention, made me mad, it even had me freaking out at characters. I thoroughly enjoyed it and man listen, the hypocrisy?? Yeah why no one ever called him out I will never understand.

There are still some loose ends from the other books that weren't cleaned up but most were, and I'm going to go ahead and say Chessy (whose name is stupid if you ask me, I just kept calling her Cic because really who names their child this??) is a better woman than me because no freaking way would I be this forgiving, you would have to.. you know what nope no spoilers.  I read really quickly to get to that scene since they never gave a hint about it, and to say I wasn't ready??!!! Chile, I don't think I would ever be ready, when I was reading, my heart started to pound and I was like "no nonononononono don't do it, don't do it, OMG!!!"

Chessy kept suppressing her true opinion because she wanted to believe her husband would always love her and choose her above all others, She had doubts that she expressed to her friends in the other books but she wouldn't woman up and snatch her husband for ignoring her.  When I was reading that I kept saying "yeah she better than me because ain't no way" Lol I had such a blast reading this, it only took one day because I just couldn't last without knowing what happened.  As the story progressed we saw that being a submissive doesn't mean being a doormat and it takes a way stronger woman than most to actually full submit.  It's a gift and one that her husband took for granted because well she was always there.  The opening scene?? That whole anniversay meal?? Sir?!?!!! Get your Life!! I was like legit CiCi better cut him!!

This for me was the most emotional book of the trilogy, we had gotten to know CHessy throughout the books and connected to her way before now, so when we see the full story, it just jerks your heart out.  The build up from the other stories made this one so good and I had to speed read to see how it ended because the buildup was killing me.  It was good, it lived up to the build up and Maya doesn't disappoint with the character development, the heat between the characters, the conversations, the whole thing comes together to deliver an amazing story.

I loved that we got to see the other characters from the trilogy and see how their stories are advancing.  I'm personally hoping we can get a novella about Damon.  This story had hot sexy times, an emotionally heartbreaking scene, several fights that should have happened a long time ago, and quite a few come to Jesus moments.  I'm glad several things from book 2 (Giving In) were addressed because I really just couldn't handle the foolishness.

What I really loved was how Maya discussed about trust, and how a relationship needs love and affection to sustain it even if the couple is apart.  I loved her talking about distance not having to actually be physical for it to do damage. And about forgiveness.  This story made me laugh, shout at it, tear up, freak out and want to hurt someone and definitely made me enjoy it and reminded me of why I love Maya Banks!!

I highly recommend it. I suggest reading the entire trilogy but whatever you do don't miss out on this one!!
Happy Reading

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Waiting On Wednesday: Spetember (1):

Hosted by: Jill over at Breaking The Spines.  This is a weekly book lust prompt, asking for us to share our absolute can't wait to get our hands on a copy books. Swing on over to find out how to participate and to see what others are sharing.  

Adult Fiction
Captivated by You Sylvia Day No Cover Yet
The release date will be announced and pre-ordering will become available once the book reaches the final stages of production. Now the #1 international bestselling author returns. The new Crossfire novel by Sylvia Day. Gideon calls me his angel, but he's the miracle in my life. My gorgeous, wounded warrior, so determined to slay my demons while refusing to face his own. The vows we'd exchanged should have bound us tighter than blood and flesh. Instead they opened old wounds, exposed pain and insecurities, and lured bitter enemies out of the shadows. I felt him slipping from my grasp, my greatest fears becoming my reality, my love tested in ways I wasn't sure I was strong enough to bear. At the brightest time in our lives, the darkness of his past encroached and threatened everything we'd worked so hard for. We faced a terrible choice: the familiar safety of the lives we'd had before each other or the fight for a future that suddenly seemed an impossible and hopeless dream...
Due Date: TBA And because of that I'm slowly dying
Print: Trade Paperback
Publisher: Penguin Random House


When enigmatic billionaire Ian Noble sets Lin the task of “taming” his brilliant yet half-savage brother Kam Reardon, she eagerly accepts. She’s more than curious about the solitary genius and everything she’s heard about him. During their electric first meeting, her fascination increases a hundredfold. Kam practically oozes raw sex appeal. Lin is interested...very interested. But does her intense attraction and willingness to go places with him she’s never gone before in the bedroom really have to do with Kam? Or is her carefully hidden desire to blame for wanting a man she knows she can never have? An elusive outsider, Kam avoids intimacy, yet never shies away from satisfying his erotic appetites. But there’s something different about Lin—a reserve he’s anxious to break. She’s a woman he’s eager to take his time with…and possess completely. A sophisticated beauty like her would never want him anywhere but in bed, but he finds himself unable to resist her. Immediately Lin’s smooth facade is undone by Kam’s overwhelming masculinity and by his irresistible erotic demands—a lesson in subjugation that leaves Lin confused, reeling, and open to things she never thought possible. Now, as the unpredictable nights between them grow darker, Lin and Kam are certain of only one thing: they’re made for each other.
Due Date: May 6th 2014
Print: Trade Paperback
Publisher: Berkeley 

If I don't find out about Captivated soon I might scream. OMGawds what's taking so long??!!! Are you getting any of these?? What's on your book lust list?? Share in the comments down below!!
Happy Lusting

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Book #Review: Shatter ( True Believers Book 4) by Erin McCarthy .@authorerin .@berkleyromance

Book Title: Shatter ( True Believers 4)
Author:  Erin McCarthy |WebsiteTwitterFacebook|
Publisher: Intermix ( subsidiary of Berkley Trade)
Genre: New Adult Romance
Series/Standalone: Series Book 4
Format: ebook , trade paperback
Cost: $14.99
Pages: 304
How I got it: Pubisher via NetGalley
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | B.A.M
Publication Date: September 2014
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From the USA Today bestselling author of True, Sweet, and Believe comes a tantalizing New Adult novel about finding love in the most unexpected ways… Kylie Warner prides herself on being optimistic, but after finding her best friend in bed with her boyfriend and flunking chemistry, her upbeat attitude has taken a dive. Even an impromptu hook-up with her sexy new chemistry tutor only brightens her mood slightly. After all, it’s not like she’ll ever see the tattooed scholar again… While he’s a whiz at complex equations, Jonathon Kadisch has trouble when it comes to figuring out women. So when Kylie tells him that she’s pregnant after their night of passion, he’s at a complete loss. He’s prepared to be a good father—unlike his own deadbeat dad—but he’s less prepared to fall for the genuine and alluring blonde bearing his child. With emotions running high, Kylie wonders if Jonathon’s devotion is out of growing love or looming obligation. And when heartbreak threatens to tear them apart, Jonathon will have to fight for the only girl who’s ever made him feel whole…
At first when I was reading Kylie was about as deep as a teaspoon, but I still wanted to get to know her, because she was such a good friend to the other girls..  And eventually I learnt to love her the way they did.  She's genuine, loves her firends, loyal to a fault, and a whole lot stronger than she gives herself credit for.  She has some fears ones I could understand, so many people are afraid of the same thing.  All of  Kylie's plans kind of fell apart before school started, her friends who were supposed to be living with her have had their own lives change and one by one they have left her and now she's gotta figure out what she's doing.  Kylie's not used to being alone, she's always had something and someone to be around and with and now she's in a new apartment without her friends and her boyfriend is now her ex, and she's a bit depressed.

As the story progressed we realized Kylie's actually kinda funny, and really sweet. She's holding a bit of a grudge and she's gotta a right to do so, she's angry with her friends and with herself for not seeing what was there, and this put some strain on her relationships and on herself.   She has some expectations for herself and is afraid to acknowledge them because, well it's not accepted by society for a woman to want these things so she's hiding them and it's making her life a bit difficult.  She's taking a class she's flunking and when she goes to get help the man she meets isn't who she expected him to be, he's way hotter than your average nerd and they hit it off so quickly but she's not going there she's been burnt once before and nope she's not ready.  I loved how they were so quirky together, and that they had corny jokes that gave them a connection.

I loved the characters more as the story progressed, as we got to see them deal with all sorts of unexpected situations, from the past coming out; it was so much darker than we knew and I totally see why Kylie kept that one as a secret, somethings once known will never be the same.  To Kylie and Jonathon are thrown for a loop when the future they thought they wanted is put at risk.  I was so heartbroken for them when certain events happened.  I got why each character felt that way but I totally knew they weren't being honest with each other and with themselves.

OMG when Kylie and Jonathon's fight happened over her professor I wanted to hit both of them. Jonathon really went there and man oh man dude why?? Never say something like that. I wanted to yell at both of them.

This was a bit more dramatic than the other books, and I loved meeting some new characters and seeing a few of the past characters,. I love Jess and Riley, his honesty totally made me laugh, like he tried so hard to run out of the room when he walked in on their conversation. I loved that he dropped some serious knowledge on Kylie who was being stubborn for no reason other than she felt the need to be.

I loved the conclusion to the story, and to the series. It was so good for all of them to come together. I loved it and I wanted so much more. I really didn't want the series to end. I'm going to get all of them in physical form as well.  I find myself going back to the stories and reading my favorite parts whenever I feel a little slumpy in my reading.

Erin's writing pulls you right into the story, making the characters, the scenarios, the emotions felt and you just want to read until it ends and then not even then.  I loved it and I can't wait to own them so I can go back and read them whenever I want.
I'm so sad to see the series go, hopefully she'll revisit the characters, beause *sobs* I don't want them to go away.  Happy Reading

Sunday, August 31, 2014

My Favorite Reads for: Halloween/Samhain (VEDA 31, 2014)

And it all comes to an end. I did pretty good actually. I did vlog almost every day and I'm happy with the vlogs I did manage to accomplish.  Now I know what you're thinking it's only the end of August beginning of September, but I prep for Samhain as early as November 1st the year before, I hunt down decorations on half or seventy percent sale and stock up for next year. I'm always on the hunt for great deals when it comes to Halloween, that way each year my collection will grow and be better than the year before.  And that takes planning, while I like to plan and prep one of the ways I get into the mood of the season is to read Halloween and Samhain-themed books.  Samhain being the nonfiction books and Halloween being the fictions books.

Here are a few of my favorite and a few authors to check out for your selves, as well as a few more recommendations than in the video:

For Non Fiction :

For Reference, at times I turn to Halloween by Silver Ravenwolf.  It has some great fall recipes to try and a few places listed so you can find other resources.  There are many who take issue with the book, however, I feel it's like anything, take what works and leave the fluff or incorrect information behind.

For Fiction:

Anything Maggie Shayne and Heather Graham works for me.  For Maggie I especially love her Portal Series which included:  (my review is on the title, the portal series brings you to Maggie page where you can see all the series and the goodies)
Witch Moon Rising Witch Moon Waning by Maggie Shayne & Lorna Tedder Although not a part of the series by Maggie Shayne I love reading this one, it's the first time I read her writing and I have loved it ever since.

I also picked up Lorna Tedder's other work including Flying By Night which is perfect for Halloween. 

Another adult favorite of mine is Goddess of Spring by P.C. Cast, now I know what you're thinking, however, this is a Persephone retelling, and if you know anything about the myth you know it is perfect for this season.

Heather Graham's Krewe of Hunters series features quite a few books set in New Orleans and even a few set around Halloween.  (she however writes way too many for me to list here, we might be here all day).

My Favorite Anthologies:
For Young Adult:
Goddess Series by Aimee Carter *another Persephone retelling*  Click the titles to see my reviews

and of course, I love Croak which is the grim reaper series by Gina D'amico.  I also have another Persephone retelling which is Love Underground by Alicia Fields.  And last but not least is the witch series Circle of Three by Isobel Bird.

And there you have it folks, these are the books that get me in the mood for Fall, Samhain and Halloween. I'll be sharing my list of to be read books that I wish to read soon.  Do you have any favorites?? Share down in the comments below and we can discuss and gush about our favorite parts of Halloween.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

#Review: Expose Me (5th Avenue Trilogy) .@Katehewitt1

Book Title: Expose Me ( Fifth Avenue Trilogy) Book 3
Author:  Kate Hewitt |Website|  TwitterFacebook|
Publisher: Harlequin
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series/Standalone: Series Book 3 (Finale)
Format: Trade Paperback
Cost: $9.99
Pages: 264
How I got it: Purchased at Books A Million
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Publisher
Publication Date: August 2014
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Ten years ago one devastating night changed everything for Austin, Hunter and Alex. Now they must each play their part in the revenge against the one man who ruined it all. With ruthless determination, Alex Diaz has risen up from his deprived roots to become the head of a global media empire. But he has one last thing to achieve…avenge his friend by destroying the man responsible for her death, Jason Treffen. With stunning talk-show host Chelsea Maxwell about to interview Treffen live on TV, this is Alex's chance. He'll use her show to exact a very public revenge—and seducing Chelsea, if needed, would certainly be no hardship. But he underestimates Chelsea and the attraction between them, and as their relationship deepens, Alex realizes that to annihilate Treffen could also shatter the life that Chelsea has built to protect herself….
So I went to the bookstore and they said it wasn't due out until July 29th and I almost cried, but I understood. I went home and just hung my head for like three days, then went back and it was out and I freaked, snatched the book ran to the register and went home, I finished it that same night. (funny aside as soon as I finished reading it, I get an email from NetGalley saying Harlequin approved me for the title, well played Harlequin well played). Now onto the review..

This story is just as emotional as the others.  Even more so, because they hide so much from themselves and from each other.  In this one both of the characters are so deeply wounded and damaged it makes them guarded and afraid to meet someone without outing up barriers.  Alex's suspicions about his past really make him very guarded and I can totally understand why, that's gotta hurt.

 Alec is blown away by Chelsea when he realizes that the rumors don't do her justice nor do they disclose the clever and sharp mind hiding beneath the beautiful and cool smile.m   Chelsea is a complex and wounded character who at first appears one way but as the story unfolds we learn more about her hidden depths, her fears, and her reasons for having her walls.  Her past is brutal but she rose above the fray and excelled in a way no one thought she would.

As we learn more and are introduced to more characters I wanted to learn more about them, and their journeys that brought them here.  Her sister appears to be a complex and nuanced character that I wish we had gotten more of because she also helped to make Chelsea who she was.  I wanted to know who she had become, where she had been and what put the ghosts in her eyes.  Zair was mentioned in all three books and now I want more from him.

As the book progressed I laughed, teared up a bit, got furious with things that were happening and wanted so much more.  On page 209 I laughed because Kate's Britishness peaked through when she called the bandages "sticking plaster"   Then of course when Chelsea meets Alex's mom and she cuts right to the heart of the situation  I was floored, Holy Crap, I love her!!

I love that they are both in unknown teritory and that's it's not just the girl wanting this to work that the are both vested and emotional.  I loved how they learnt to both trust and use each other, that the plan hinged on Chelsea being willing to accept the truth, that she be willing to not just stand up for self but also for a young woman too wounded to fight anymore.  I loved watching the unfurling of Chelsea as a woman, and as a survivor, instead of hiding she embraced herself once again and lived!!!

The book is extremely well written, especially because it didn't give a perfect happy ending.  There is still more to be done, But it gave us the full story we had been working towards.  Those last few moments as they worked towards that justice were pretty freaking tense, I was speed reading trying to get to the end so I could see how it went down and it was epic!! Man I really felt like I was there in the room when it happened. Ain't no spinning this story now jackass (yes I'm talking to the villain). I loved that even though it appeared like it was the men who were bringing the revenge that each story hinged on the courage of the women they met and their decision to seek justice, to stand up, and to speak for all the women who couldn't.

The saddest part about these books of course is knowing that there are women in these situations.  That they are actually women who are living with this horror daily.  They don't have someone like Chelsea/Alex or Katy/Austin or Zoe/Hunter to avenge them and that's the worse part.
While I would have loved an epilogue, I get that there wouldn't have been a way to end it that would satisfy everyone.  In reality these things sometimes take years especially if the villain has money to hide behind.  But I can imagine the justice I want and that's an even better ending!!  I highly recommend the series.  Have you read them?? What do you think of the subject matter? I must say I'm happy that romance novels are finally talking about more than just them meeting and falling in love, even though I love those kinds of stories too.  Leave it in the comments!!

Happy Reading