Author: Tara Sue Me |Website| Twitter| Facebook|
Publisher: Penguin/NAL
Genre: Erotica Romance
Series/Standalone: Series
Format: paperback, ebook
Series/Standalone: Series
Format: paperback, ebook
Cost: $15.00
Pages: 336
How I got it: Purchased
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Publisher
It started with a hidden desire. Millionaire CEO Nathaniel West has always played by his own strict set of rules, ones he expects everyone to follow—especially the women he’s dominated in his bedroom. But his newest lover is breaking down all his boundaries and rewriting his rule book. Abby King never imagined that she would capture the heart of Nathaniel West, one of New York City’s most eligible bachelors—and its most desirable dominant. What began as a weekend arrangement of pleasure has become a passionate romance with a man who knows every inch of her body and her soul � yet remains an enigmatic lover. Though he is tender and caring, his painful past remains a wall between them.
Once again they have done a wonderful job on the cover, and the typography, when stacked together the books looks amazing!!
This is a wonderful conclusion to the trilogy, in this one we got to see them grow, branch out, build a bridge between the two sections of their lives; come to terms with some friendships and even meet new friends. I loved how they changed and grew as time moved on and reading the last few pages made me all types of sentimental.
Ahh man did they grow, I loved knowing so much more about Nathaniel, having learnt so much about the man in the last book, it made this book even better. Told from the point of view of both characters, we got to experience each new scenario in a way that enriched the story and brought it to life. I loved reading the scenes in the dungeon as they grew in their roles, and understood each time what being there meant to them. They go a little harder here than in the previous novels, going into a little more detail about the scenes, even new scenes and scenarios are incorporated.
I loved the poems once again interwoven throughout the story, the tiny romantic gestures. As they struggled to make the transition of lovers and happy couple during the week vs their Dominant and Submissive relationships on the weekends, we get a bit of tension, of push and pull of growth. I liked seeing Nathaniel grow here in this book because this is where he was most uncomfortable.
This book although there were some romance was really more focused on their weekend life, the other stuff they had down, but doing the two as one couple was their struggle. I loved that they really explored the dungeon in this book, Abbie doing things she had never tried before, some of the things I thought would have tuned them both turned out to not work for them and some sure didn't work for me. I love that it wasn't sugar coated as all perfection and awesomeness that there is a struggle to be what is needed and doing what the body wants.
I particularly loved the last parts of the book, when he travelled because we really got to see the two sides come together then. It's just awesomeness I loved reading the third book. It's well written, engaging and I truly loved this book, the ending they got and this whole series. As soon as it arrived the day it was released (thanks amazon prime) I started reading and I didn't stop until the last scene was read. I kept waking up after catnaps and reading, thankfully the next day was my day off because that would have been awkward.
I loved the book and the series, I highly recommend for lovers of the genre and for newbies. Make sure to check out my thoughts on Book 1 The Submissive, and Book Two The Dominant. What did you think of the series?? Share in the comments down below.
Thanks and Happy Reading
Thanks and Happy Reading
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